We stock our RV in late March and remove all food stuffs in late November, hopefully before our first hard freeze. We keep clothing in the RV, ready to go ALL the time. Our bedding/linens/towels, etc are brought in, washed, dried and packed into the space bags and stored in the RV.
When spring arrives, we will re-stock with everything we need and clothing and are ready to go in about an hour. Thereafter, 10 minutes to grab meds, phones, laptops, perishables and we are out the door.
Our pots and pans, utensils, shampoos, televisions, etc. are left in the RV over the winter. I was bringing in the body wash, shampoo, and that type stuff, but forgot it one fall. It was fine in the spring, so I started leaving it or I would forget it. It's never full, so plenty of room for expansion. The pots and pans, utensils, plates, bowls, etc. are washed on the first trip of the year, just in case any critters have made their way in there.