Don't worry about age. Get both of you trained to operate the coach. Take your time going places avoid sites where you must do labor to setup. Use all your tools to get level from inside your coach.
I am 72 I try not to drive over 5 hours per day. Many nice places to overnight. In a crunch Cracker Barrel a safe Walmart of even a noisy truck stop. I like Federal Parks we odl people get a forever pass and get deals on camp sites. We conserve our potable water and take GI showers. WEt down, shut off water, soap up turn on water rinse off. Never put anything in toilet you didnt eat. TP is OK so long as it dissolves in water. We drink bottled water cook with it coffee anything we ingest. Just dont trust water we get at parks or wherever.
Have fun take some short trips wright what you need take easy foods for when you are tired. A 12v crockpot is very good for on the raod. Put it in sink, line it put food in and when you pull over you will have a meal.
bucsfan116 wrote:
Were 71/70, been talking care of mother, We want to purchase our 1st motorhome, a used diesel pusher about 35' in length. Our concern is that we are starting out too late in life. We are in good health but at our age things change. Looking for honest opinions as to weather or not people think this is a good idea.