navegator wrote:
This post is directed to those of you that have law degrees and those of you in law enforcement, please answer and correct me if I am wrong, I am not looking for arguments, just facts under the law.
Is an RV rolling down the road considered a vehicle or a home?
Is an RV that is parked with the sewer hose connected, the water connected and hooked to the electric grid cosidered under the laws as a home or an RV?
What part of an RV is the vehicle and what part is a home?
A 5th wheel or a pull trailer being towed are they rolling vehicles or homes, understanding that the pull units are vehicles and not homes.
RV rolling down the road is a 'mobile conveyance'. To any invasive pests, it is a home for they do not care about RVing.
RV parked and connected is still a mobile conveyance, unless you are in the actual phase of living in the RV, eating, sleeping, residing within the RV, etc. To any invasive pests, they do not care if you are rolling down the highway or parked and connected.
When you are in the action of residing in the RV, any portion of that mobile conveyance inbound of the threshold is considered part of your temporary residence. Any invasive pests care not whether they are inbound or out bound of the threshold. A free ride or stationary is all good for them.
5th wheel or trailer being towed, asked and answered above within the scope of the term RV.
Nothing is as cut and dry as the questions asked above were intended to be. The 4th Amendment exceptions to a mobile conveyance apply.
Hope this answers your questions.