Our 2010 Escape tranny blew with 4876 towing miles (going above and beyond the manual and TSB instructions). I paid to have a Remco pump installed in August, 2011.
We have since towed the Escape an additional 8290 miles. The new tranny has 22,920 driving miles for a total of 31,210 miles without any issues.
This past Feb, another Escape owner was telling me that Remco will no longer sell the pump themselves. Ford apparently cut a deal with them for the exclusive rights to the pump and now you have to go through Ford. He also said that Ford wants around $3000.00 for the pump and install - that's twice what I paid to have ours installed. I don't know whether or not that is true, but I have no reason to doubt him - he saw the base plates and stopped me to ask if we had experienced any transmission problems. He was wanting to install a pump on his, but was rather dismayed when he found out what Ford was charging.