Forum Discussion

GRHTX's avatar
Oct 28, 2013

TT destroyed in fire, looking to replace, need opinions

This past Saturday night our 6 month old Outback 316RL was consumed by a fire set by a 19 year old arsonist, who was arrested and confessed. We stored our RV under a covered steel roof supported by heavy steel beams, along with about 40 other MH's, FW's, TT's,boats, cars, etc. When we were finally able to view the result of his work we were shocked. The roof had collapsed on all vehicles. All that remained of our TT were the two propane tanks up front and nothing behind them except for the steel frame. Total destruction.

So, starting to look for a replacement. We loved our Outback 316RL and I would not hesitate to replace it with a new one, but....thinking I might go with a FW. For those of you who started out with a TT and moved to a FW, are you glad you did? Would you go back? Pros/cons appreciated, and any brand preferences.
  • BTW there are floor plans out that are configured in the 5th wheel set up only they are Travel Trailers....I have seen them and they are exactly the way a 5th wheel would be but are travel trailers and I think Jayco is one of the MFG's that have this plan. Good Luck
  • You have pros and cons in all of them. Motorhome is nice because you don't have to get out of the unit to go potty or get something to eat unless you want to. If you don't want to break camp, you will need to pull another vehicle to drive.

    We have had 3 campers and now on our 2nd 5er. The camper may be a little harder to get parked in an area vs. a same length 5er. Depending on size, you have to consider the storage. You have bed of truck free for other things if towing with a truck.

    5er for us is what we are most happy with. Towing it is easier (for me) than was the TT. I can't compare to a motorhome as we have never owned one. I like the 5er because it seems to have more room than the TT and for the same length unit overall length is shorter due to the hitch setup being over axle. I don't think that the 5er is affected by wind as bad as a TT.

    These are all just from my point of view. You are going to have to make the final decision depending on your own situation. What ever that is my you have Safe and Happy Camping.
  • Went from an 18ft TT to a 23ft TT to a 38ft 5th wheel.

    Due to the extra room the 38 footer provides it is a lot more comfortable than either TT. With the TTs we spent a lot of time outside under the awning. The seating in the TT was basically bench/dinnette type seating. So our outdoor lounge chairs were a lot more comfortable. With the 5th wheel we spend more time inside in our Lazy Boy recliners.

    If you compare like sized TT to a 5th wheel:
    > Like others have said you will have full use of the truck bed with a TT.
    > Towing will not be much different. 5th is a little more stable in wind and trucks passing by.
    > The 5th wheel is a little easier to back in to tight spots, but how often do you run into tight spots. With practice there's not much difference between a TT and 5th wheel when backing up and turning.
    > The 5th wheel will usually provide more outside storage.
    > TT are usually lower cost.

    No real big differences for like sized units whether TT or 5th wheel.

    That being said I would only choose a 5th wheel if I'm buying 32 feet or longer. Just personal choice.
  • Have had motor homes, travel trailers and fifth wheels. For our lifestyle right now the fifth wheel is ideal. That is not to say something else might not be more suited to our needs next year.
  • I have gone back and forth from TT to 5th w 4 or 5 times but I miss having my P/Up bed to haul stuff when I have the 5th w. But for the last 15 years or so strictly TT. For me I never saw having a 5th w a advantage over a TT