Been there done that, including bringing home a bear cub for a pet, and bobcat, and at age 4 or so picked up a rattlesnake but...i won't drink from an old water hose again, unless I have to. I got sick from drinking from a rubber water hose one time. Won't do any of them again,,probably.
Take that white hose and connect it from the faucet to your filter or rv without a filter and let the sun work on it for a few days while rving.
Then look inside the hose is it brown or green or both and is there any black?
if the water source has chlorine t can still have the brown stuff but less likely.
In line filters, if you have a lot of sediment or sulfur and iron etc after a day or two every time you open the tap, the filter loaded, it bypasses the media and you get a lug of mud like in Michigan with wells and lots or RVers on a weekend or in south Ga and La and elsewhere that delightful taste of sulfur and iron. Good filters are as large as you can get. get all the nasties and minerals and stop up firt because they do the job...but it is cheaper to buy the inline little or now a bit larger filters. You won't one that tell you to change it or one that won't let wter though...when it is clogged up with all the garbage you want to not drink or wash in and needs replacing,...not one with a spring that lets the water and junk bypass, into your glass, when the media is clogged.