Terryallan wrote:
ScottG wrote:
Terryallan wrote:
No canvas. I built a shed over it. 35' X 14'
That's a great luxury isn't it?
We had a 42X15WX13T carport built on a concrete slab for ours this year. Wonderful to keep it clean and be able to work on it anytime.
Yep, It is great. couldn't afford the cement at the time, But will get it done this summer. Yes it keeps it clean, and stops the hardware / vents on top from getting brittle. Just need a way to stop the birds from nesting in the rafters
This was my new home for the RV!

I had real big problems when the barn swallows from Capistrano
decided to make my new building their snowbird home 'every year'!
What a mess.
I did some research. Here's what the bird people said to do.
What will stop them from nesting is simply nailing some white string all the same length, around the top rail of the inside of the building at equal space between them. T
They said that was all that was needed to deter them, but since I had the scaffolding out a put a few on the rafters just for good luck.
That year I did that before spring - NONE of them came back to nest. Takes a bit of time but it stops them from wanting to nest AND eliminates the poop factor on the RV.! :C