We have a 2015 ram 1500, and tow a Keystone Bullet 261RBSWE with a GVW of 7650#.
I added the air bags that go inside the springs, and upgraded tires. I found that running the bags at about 13-15 psi was the sweet spot, with the husky 10,000 round bar wdh hitch. Any more air, and the bars aren't being allowed to do their job because the truck isn't sagging enough to apply the needed pressure to the bars. I've found out that the 4th link of chain is also best over the 5th for the same reason, it puts the bars a little above parallel, but on the 5th link theyre not applying consistent pressure , and the tow vehicle porpoises much more.The point of all of this is that you have to find the sweet spot for your setup, as the airbags, and the WDH work against one another by their physical nature, and how they perform their job.