You are putting way more effort into this than required.
I would load the truck to the normal weight, then set it up for towing, with the fresh water tank full on the trailer.
If you have a 3/4 ton or 1 ton truck, the WD bars really do not need to take a lot of the load, and you do not need to worry so much about returning the front axle bumper height back to normal. Just add some pressure to the bars, and it will all work out fine. If you really overtighten the bars, it will act like a spring, and handling will be worse than if not connected at all!
Once you think you have it set OK, then raise the trailer with the jack about 6" (with the ball locked onto the truck) and you will notice that the bars now are loose, and easy to attach and remove. Mark them so that you do not install them to tight.
My buddy saw the camper next door try to remove his WD bars while under a LOT of pressure and dislocate his arm, then learned how to do it right, with very little effort at all! He also bought a electric jack for Christmas to make hitching up to his 3/4 ton Suburban really easy.
Good luck,