Your numbers seem low and the description of what you are towing is changing. In the first post, you said two UTV's and a Smart in an enclosed trailer. I'm figuring the following:
2000 lbs for the Smart
1200 lbs each for the UTV
3000 lbs for a 24' enclosed Trailer rated for 7k lbs
I doubt your receiver is rated for 7500 lbs dead weight, so a WDH will be needed. You can arrange the trailer so it has 10 percent tongue weight, but my guess is that the Smart will have to be loaded last to get there.
I tow a 20' enclosed trailer with 10k lb rating that weighs 3500 lbs carrying a Sonic at almost 3000 lbs in the rear, an additional 1000 lbs of gear up front and still deal with a 1000 lbs of tongue weight.