Forum Discussion

garyhaupt's avatar
Feb 18, 2017

What does 10 TRILLION gallons of water even equate to?

That's one weather prediction for southern California in the next week.

Gary Haupt
  • Overflowing reservoirs, overflowing rivers, mud slides and a lot of water flowing to the sea cause of all the concrete
  • If I calculated it right, it would raise the Salton Sea's 376 square miles by 125 feet. It all has to fall there though.
  • What does 10 TRILLION gallons of water even equate to? = They can wash their cars again!
  • time2roll wrote:
    10T gal would be 30.7 million acre/feet (google)

    Oroville dam holds 3.5 million acre/feet Oroville dam

    Lake Mead (Hoover Dam) capacity is 26 million acre feet

    Ahh..okay..thanks. That sort of does bring it into a perspective I can grasp.

    Gary Haupt
  • It's generally agreed, even by the mail man that this is probably the biggest storm, at least in So. Cal, since around 1997-98. This is the second time in 30 years that the 4" drain was overwhelmed to the point I'm running an Aux pump.

    Hopefully it IS a drought buster. Just think what this would have been like during an ElNino year..
  • Unless you're someone very special, those numbers mean nothing at all, just too immense to even grasp the concept of that much water.
  • 10T gal would be 30.7 million acre/feet (google)

    Oroville dam holds 3.5 million acre/feet Oroville dam

    Lake Mead (Hoover Dam) capacity is 26 million acre feet
  • "What does 10 TRILLION gallons of water even equate to?

    It equates to a drought buster..