The differences are about how we are all over governed now in every parts of our lives. The rules for CG's now are absolutely ridiculous.
Back in the good "ole days', there were never strangers as we warn our kids of now in the parks, or so it felt, and a neighbouring RVer if saw your child was in danger or being bad, could gently grab him, or reason with him and explain something. Nowadays, you are afraid to say or do anything with others kids.
As for being really out in the boonies today with a child over the age of 5 it seems, you better have good internet connection or else your vacation could be murder. LOL That in and of itself has changed everything we knew as good and wholesome years ago growing up. We'd call back home to let them know we'd arrived OK from a pay phone nearby, and maybe once more during our whole vacation max = that was about as connected we ever were, and wasn't it fabulous?
The variable now is that we talk about those bad behaviors more but bad behavior is not new. There were abductions back then,serial killers are not a new phenomenon. They was littering and abuse except it made have been easier to sweep things under the rug back when but it was not utopia. There were still victims to all kinds of bad behavior.
Do we think race relations and equal opportunity was better back then?
Lots of atrocities associated with race back then.
Basic Human behavior has not changed all that much, we still bully each other, we still help each other, we still abuse each other.
It's nice to reflect and pretend things were so wonderful once upon a time, however we did not just transport ourselves to the modern society we now live in , we evolved. Our current behavior is based and built on our past behavior. All the ills of our current society was learned and taught to us by our predecessors.