kingkarmann wrote:
We would like to hear from the veteran RVers of travel and camping strategies you employ to help stack the odds in your favor.
Sorry this intro is long winded. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Just don’t dump on my beautiful portrait :-)
My sis-in-law has a phrase "Semper Gumby" - "always be flexible". Some of our worst moments, became our fondest (or funniest) memories: sharing a skeevy shower stall with the biggest spider I've ever seen; or showering in an old shipping container. Watching a distant storm, parked high on a mesa. The skunk who placed his paws on my knees at a campsite. Having our night interrupted by an all-night USAF aerial assault practice. Finding out too late that the train tracks are 100' behind your campsite....
But there have been many, MANY wonderful/beautiful experiences and delightful people, too! I guess my words of wisdom are "savor the good; and just roll with the bad" since most of it is out of our control anyway :-)