Community Alumni
Jun 03, 2023I have been on that stretch of I-84 driving cars, trucks, towing trailers, Class B and C RVs. It is wide open subject to crosswinds, dust and smoke not to mention snow and ice. I have seen some pretty dumb moves there. The way I stay out of trouble is to defer to the truck drivers and let them sort it out and get around them when it is safe and when they can see me. The truck that was cut off looks like he was passing the one in the right lane. Complete idiocy to pull up and try to pass on the right. I would hold back patiently for the truck to pass and find a place in line. I would also keep the space to the right of the truck open because there are some grades where the passing truck could run out of steam and need to fall in behind. The smart thing to do is to give the professional driver the option. Ahead on I-84 past Pendleton, Oregon is 'Dead Man's Pass'. That is one steep grade and you better know what your rig is capable of and not get in the way of a truck that has a running start at the hill.