Desert Captain wrote:
IMHO: As far as deaths and injuries declining over the last years that is a reflection of the higher quality safety features and better construction that the modern vehicles bring to the roadways and NOT an indication that folks are driving better.
As always.... Opinions and YMMV
Accidents per mile driven have also declined. Perhaps vehicles now have better brakes, horns, mirrors and, with newer models, collision avoidance features. But the fact of the matter is, by any measure, it is safer to drive on the highway today than it was 10, 20 or even 30 years ago. Maybe the reason people feel there are more bad drivers than ever before is our collective knowledge is greater than ever. Before the internet we never would have heard from all the people, who are scattered to the far corners of the globe, posting in response to this thread. When we hear of more and more incidents our minds unconsciously equate that to actual experience. It is no different than how many people feel there is more crime, more political upheaval, more civil disobedience, more poverty, more most anything, today. Again the facts will bear out there actually less. But social media, 24 hour news channels, and a much greater atmosphere of connectivity makes it seem like we are living in the toughest of times.