My current issue is on local roads with 2 or 3 lanes in each direction. It never fails that no matter what lane I'm in, there is someone driving in the next lane over right next to my rear. There is no one in front of them, no one behind them, but they must drive right in that spot that requires me to have to speed up or slow down to change lanes.
As for the cell phones, I think there's a lot more to it than just an inconsiderate driver. I know that my dad, my boss, and several other folks would call me when they know I am on the road. I keep my phone in my purse while I'm on the road so I don't see or hear calls or messages. Never fails, these folks are mad because I didn't pick up and didn't respond until I was stopped somewhere. They wanted me right then and there - not 15/20 minutes later and how dare I not make that happen.
On the positive side, this got me out of doing a lot of stupid errands that these folks wanted me to do for them. :)