BruceMc wrote:
Not long after getting my new Volkswagen Golf Sportwagen, I had an idiot try to pass me in a merge lane on a 2 lane highway. The area is 45mph, and just after the merge, the speed goes to 55.
We were on the main highway and he had been tailgating me anyway. Just as we hit the merge lane, he yanked his into the merge and tried to go around me. I saw what he was doing & engaged the turbo on that little 1.8L to close the gap in front of me, leaving him no where to go. he had to back off & pull back in behind me.
Now it may have been that he thought the highway changed to 2 lanes in our direction, realized his mistake but tried to barrel ahead anyway. If that was the case, he should have simply pulled back in behind me.
Ok, I'll bite. Why would you do that? Play bumper cars on the highway? Why not just let the guy go? That way if his driving causes and accident it would not be with you, and you get a person off your rear bumper.