I suspect that many see the issue with LEOs "ignoring the laws" because they are not privy to the reason for that.
I don't think anyone has a problem with a first responder doing "illegal" moves to get to a crime/accident scene as quick as possible.
When folks get upset is when there is no obvious sign of the first responder actually trying to respond to a scene, but rather appearing to just disregard the law because they are "first responders".
I remember years ago at a traffic school class. One of the attendees was a correctional officer. He refused to acknowledge that he broke the law by speeding - instead blaming his ticket on "they were stopping everyone and I only got the ticket because they couldn't waive mine while ticketing everyone else."
It's those few who think they're exempt from the rules who make everyone look bad. But the truth is most are not bad - they are just doing the best they can like everyone else.