Tvov wrote:
myredracer wrote:
.... Also, instead of fines (if they ever actually do fine anyone) going to the provincial general treasury acct., fines should go to cities and municipalities so they can put the money directly into enforcement. ....
I am in a different area than you, but... you have to be REALLY careful about wanting fines to go directly to the local town / city. That can (and does in some parts) cause the issue of "revenue generation" by ticketing... especially of out of town people / tourists.
I asked a local cop here in Connecticut about traffic fines going to the town budget and/or police dept budget and he said no they don't. Most traffic ticket money goes into the CT state budget - primarily to avoid local towns trying to increase their budgets by simply having cops write more tickets.
I don't disagree at all, but when the fines go straight into state or provincial coffers, it's not helping road safety. There's got to be a better way...
About a dozen years ago a pre-election carrot from the then ruling provincial party was that they would take a portion of the fines. and put it towards improving road safety around the province. Well, a few years went by and I wrote to our local gov't rep. to find out what happened. Turns out the funds were distributed around the province all right, but went to the various individual police forces to give police officers a raise. So how much did that improve road safety?