atreis wrote:
rhagfo wrote:
Do drivers when turning left from a multi left turn lane, use the inside lane then cut across three lanes to take a right at the next intersection?
Probably because they weren't familiar with the intersection or don't go that way often and didn't realize there were two left turn lanes (or forgot) until it was too late.
Another possibility is that they are familiar with the intersection but not their destination and didn't realize the place they wanted to go to was the immediate right turn.
Here in BC something like 90 percent of drivers do that. However, "changing lanes in an intersection" is against our Motor Vehicle Act and if you are in an accident, will get blamed in part or in full. An intersection is defined as the distance 100' (IIRC) away from the intersection. Only commercial trucks are allowed to changed lanes in an intersection. Cops simply never enforce these sorts of infractions here. I don't know if this particular law exists around the US but I always turn into the leftmost lane unless it is impossible (like when towing sometimes).