We use Hughes Net. It's initial expense is high and speeds leave some to be desired, but in the conditions you describe, it's one of the only ways that work. For those on major roads Verizon is OK, but get 30 miles of I-10 in west Texas, or off major routes in the Dakotas, Montana, Idaho, and MANY other places there's just nothing else. We go to Alaska every other year and 10 miles out of town up there you're usually out of everything. Only problem with Hughes is that they tell me their Gen4 doesn't work for a mobile setup, and what satellite you're on makes a big difference.
We found Hughes assigned satellites by your billing zip code and an east coast satellite for an Alaska trip just would not work. We buy our service from Mobile Satellite Technologies, a Hughes reseller, but I don't pay any more for it and I'm on 127W which is the only usable satellite when in Alaska.