3oaks wrote:
Fresno Tundra Driver wrote:
What you are seeing is a overall general decay with civility in society, especially with the under 30 crowd. Maybe its partly due to the internet, maybe it has something to do with the "everyone gets a trophy" generation growing up and thinking they are all extraordinary. Whatever it is, its the same thing all the LEO's and teachers are seeing. Everybody wants to argue with authority.
I believe you nailed the cause and most of the other replies describe the results. Unfortunately, what we are witnessing is the decline on America.
I am more in agreement with this statement although feel several on here all have valid points such as age and tolerance levels.
My observation we have shifted to a civilization that is rooting itself on entitlement instead of hard work. I do not think it is limited to the generations below 30, although it could be linked to the raising of those generations that started it. But like most things it is growing like a cancer in society today. Way to many conversations on how to beat the systems and a huge cloud around what is right and wrong, only time it seems to be wrong is if people cannot use the theory and take advanage of it as well to do what is best for them.
To the OP I think you are seeing a combination of your time doing the job, the fact that more people are camping which generates more issues and the mentality of society today influencing what is right and wrong.
Just my 2 cents...cause I'm entitled to it! :p