Dog Folks wrote:
Naio: said::"It's like a sick joke, telling people they have to put their tent on a gravel pad."
Kinda agree BUT:
I did not design the park. I did not build it. I did not even write the rules.
I know that :). You may remember i made a big deal of it in my earlier post. My point in this one is that you have been put in the difficult position of enforcing a rule that makes little sense.
Most importantly, I did not ignore the pictures of each site and descriptions of the site before making a reservation and coming here. The camper has to take at least some responsibility for their action or lack of same.
I don't know which park you are at and I have not seen the website. Does it make clear that the gravel pads are NOT the parking places, and that campers aren't allowed to do the normal thing and put their tents on the ground?
I mean, if I just saw pictures of gravel pads I would assume those were the parking places.
Funny though, we had over 20 sites this past weekend with tents on the gravel pads with no other complaints or problems. We have tents camp here all the time. I wonder how they do it???
It's possible that they don't know any better. Or they do, but feel other amenities are worth it.