I have a plastic 6" diameter EVIL EYE (with roadmap veins) joke toy that I positioned staring at your Megawatt Jim. By the time the weekend rolls around, the Megawatt should have become intimidated enough to work on. Dig the goodies you sent. PERFECT! Cell phone email/internet non existent since I returned. I slept 11-solid-hours last night. Heart remaining in sinus rhythm. Two catheter vein probes to heart to both chambers and they bug-zapped me five times.
I much much much (?) prefer cast or heavy duty lugs over standard lugs. Pure lead coated fittings do not corrode when attached to lead posts on the battery but beware of fumes when soldering. Folks who never learned how to solder are the ones most likely to poo-poo a soldered joint.
I just, this trip, picked up a bag of 100, "RC" connectors which look ideal for 16-14 AWG wire. Plugs and sockets are twin keyed to eliminate connection reversal. Plugs are SPLIT meaning they can be tweaked fatter with a tiny flat-blade screwdriver for an incredibly snug fit. Housings are nylon not PRASTIC. Best of all, the conductors are gold plated. But for resisting accidental disconnect, nothing beats Weather-Pack connectors.
Delcity.net has just about the best price on cast lugs and terminals. The use of an eternal tooth lock washer is equally just about the best way to prevent loosening of a terminal nut or bolt.
Gaaaaaaaaaad. First time in 16-months with a heart in sinus rhythm and do I ever feel great! Blood O2 level 4-5 points higher! I had a Quackesse MD try and tell me I had AFib. Yeah. Right. With Bradycardia and BP of 105/58. She shot me with anticoagulant 3 times, and driving on the way home I nicked a finger and bled all over my arm, shirt and pants. Incompetence is NOT limited to RV repair. I told her to "Do the world a favor and NOT study to become a specialist" She stormed out and I was discharged three hours later