I used to be solder only on everything, and got drug into this crimping thing kicking and screaming: Big lugs, small lugs, all my RF connectors: N, BNC, and BNC connectors in studio service, 10's of thousands of them. DONE PROPERLY they are as good or better than solder (that can actually be seen on a TDR).
Sweeping RF and video connectors is easy and you can see when and where there are problems.. done right there aren't any. My 4/0 are so tight there is no possible way to draw solder into them, at least not the Super Excelene Welding cable.
I've been around allot of aircraft and grew up around boats and haven't seen a solder lug since the 60's. The only thing I'll solder is all the in-between wire: 8-~14ga or so where I just don't like my crimpers if we're pulling large current on short runs at comm site installations.