grizzzman wrote:
Here is what Trojan battery has to say about battery cables.
It is in there whitepaper info section under battery cables.
Here is a link to the page. Link
They used thermo imaging under load.
Top end wire and crimpers can do a great job but are expensive. For the diy person crimp and solder works great, both electrical and mechanical strength. At a much lower cost.
Of course we have no idea whatsoever what that crimp really was: hammer, or compression, then where and how hard were the crimps? The would have been good to know. If a hammer crimp, I agree a solder pot might be in order.. But compression done right will do nothing but wick solder up the other way further stressing the wire/ lug. Obviously strand count can make a huge difference in potting or not.
If someone hadn't stolen the thermoscope I had access to that would have been a very interesting pic. About the best load I can muster is 180A tho