Thanks for relating to us your sage experience and appropriate safety cavet…Though I believe that LFP’s are considerably safer than higher power density phone batteries (likely because of LFP’s lacking cobalt chemistry) there’s little doubt that lithium types are a different animal… When doing a true load test on my replacement 200a/h LFP cylindrical-cell drop-in, I was made acutely aware of this when once ‘confirmed’ to be at zero percent rated SOC, I decided to switch on the microwave oven to see what might happen and was amazed that it ran perfectly while drawing a whopping 136 (or slightly more) d.c. amps at zero SOC!! - CRAZY!! Turns out that this battery didn’t come to a stop until at 215 consumed a/hrs…FWIW, I have no idea whether this is typical of other drop-ins (??), but YES an altogether different kind of animal indeed…
3 tons