dougrainer wrote:
Explain further. You first stated the unit would be under a carport. Then you stated an RV Park, and I am not aware of RV parks that have covered slabs for Rv'ers. State what size and type RV you are comparing. Does it have Slide room, or more than 1 slide room. Are they BOTH ducted? Doug
I won't bother sending a picture, but several of us in this park have carports over our RV's. Took the roof temperature from 135 degrees down to 95 degrees when I installed it. Not sure what difference it makes, but it is a no slide travel trailer and I will add that the box measures 26 X 8 since you seem to feel that is important. Either unit will cool the trailer as that is what I now have with a similar trailer. The ONLY difference is which AC unit is most likely to be trouble free. Here is the deal: A 13,500 btu air conditioner does a good job with my current 26 foot no slide trailer. I do NOT need more capacity, just the best unit for the same price. Both units are ducted with wall thermostats. You seemed to prefer the 15.0 K unit in a previous post. Are you having second thoughts?