Forum Discussion

Big_Katuna's avatar
Explorer II
Oct 17, 2018

16” fluorescent light LED conversion. Wiring question.

So I bought my roll of LEDs, cut to fit, wired + to +, - to - but only the first strip lights, which was the first one off the reel.

So when you cut the strip, does the wiring need to re connect the cut strips in the order they came off the reel?

In other words, a 16” strip has an anode and a cathode?
  • I just bought a bunch from Walmart. Drop in replacement, about $8 each.
  • I just bought 16’ of 5050. I had done all the bulb lights a few years ago.

    Thanks all!
  • yes mine were ALSO the 5050 LED

    various colors are available cool white, warm white, bright white

    i like the bright white, for reading areas and work areas

    warm white is good in the bedroom

    i have been converting/replacing all the incandescent here in the Bounder with bright white LED fixtures
    i put warm white LEDS in the bedroom fixtures
  • I've done this using thermally conductive adhesive. By selecting strips and Kelvin color a superior product can be made.
  • I had picked up some off, that where in a nice holder, but didnt stand up too well, but I picked up some LED 5050 strip that came in 5M long strips that can be cut to size, and have a peel and stick back that work very well
  • i did this in the Safari
    i used a 5m strip of bright white, LED strip
    i cut to lengths to fit inside on the metal reflector strip
    4 lengths made lots of light
    disconnect the ballast
    use the 12v from the switch to power the LED strips
    strips can be cut to any length that is multiples of '3 leds'
    evry set of '3' is a series 12v set
    so strips can be 3,6,9,12,15 etc
    strip is marked where you can cut
    clean the reflector with alcohol before placing the self sticking strips
    DO NOT use double sided tape, this insulates the strip and causes over heating
    the reflector acts as the heat sink, attach directly to the reflector
    solder the wires on the ends of the strips, daisy chaining the + to + and - to - connections