The generator might be running off of the engine battery, no idea what Fleetwood did back in 94, or if any owner since that time moved the feed wire from the coach battery to the engine one.
You can install a #10 wire between the + 12 of the coach battery to engine battery, with a fuse in between, and it will charge the engine battery just fine. However it might draw more than 30 amps until the engine battery is more than 80% full. Take this wire off before any dry camping, to avoid discharging the engine battery while dry camping, but otherwise you could leave it on all the time. I would suggest no fuse until the engine battery is full, then a 30 amp fuse will work great.
I have a 97 Bounder, it is not all that much different than yours, just slightly more refined. The exterior compartments on mine are the modern style, while my buddy with a 96 looks much different, more like yours.
I toured the Fleetwood factory twice before buying and once afterwards. It was very interesting. When I wanted to install a satellite, I took down the carpet covered pieces along the sidewall to roof to access the wiring channel located there. It makes installing extra things like the back up camera very easy.
Good luck!