Forum Discussion

safarirat's avatar
Sep 14, 2018

2007 Safari Simba one piece windshield crack

This is the first RV that I have owned. After owning it for a short time I must have put it in a flex situation and the windshield cracked. I later learned this model had a service bulletin and National Safety Board bulletin for having this problem. Should have done more research before I bought it. This problem was discussed on this forum back in 2015. I wasn't able to find a place that does this specific repair. Can anybody give me a name of a company that has experience in doing this repair of strengthening the front house or specific instructions on what bracing is needed? I have people who are expert welders but am not sure exactly what has to be done. I live in NY but would be willing to travel to an experienced shop. (maybe in Elkart IN). Another thought, is there a retro fit to a two piece windshield and would that be a help. Thanks for helping a newbie to RVing.
  • Reinforcing a windshield cutout is not an easy task.

    Any material used has to be spot welded and the frame must sort of float with regard to chassis flex. Glass and frame do not flex.

    If your windshield gasket has become hardened you are in for a heck of a quandary.
  • Rotzla, thanks for the reply. I called Monaco and gave them the Service and National Safety Bulletin #'s and told me that company was out of business and they were a new company and couldn't help me. I have read about the fix that was done to yours and other kinds of reinforcement, but can't find anybody that does it. I even called the big RV glass companies and ask if they knew of anybody that did that type of work and they couldn't help. I guess I'll have to put a new one in and hope for the best.
  • Hi Safarirat,

    Really sorry to hear about your windshield problems. I also have a 2007 Safari Simba that suffered from the cracked windshields for the first year I had it. At that time, 2008, I brought the unit down to the Monaco plant in Coburg Oregon and they put in the fixes. If I remember correctly, they put in a whole new metal frame around the windshield that was substantially larger material (rectangular steel tubing). It was large enough that they had to replace the plastic trim covers that run down the side of the windshield. Since then I have not had any issues but I"m very careful about using the levelers in uneven ground because that is when I had experienced the original windshield cracks.

    I"m wondering if it's worth calling over to Monaco to see if they have the old service records for that fix. They may have hung onto records that related to recalls.

    Good luck.
  • Is your rv insurance going to pay for it? If so, they might have a company you will have to use? In 1 year, I had 4 windshields in my Monaco... #1, stress crack, replacement #2 was defective, #3 was broken by the glass company trying to get it out of the truck, #4 was fine. My insurance paid in full for #1, manufacturer of windshield paid #2, #3 was paid by glass company.