Forum Discussion

Dhswindle's avatar
Apr 15, 2015

Windshield problems with 2007 Safari Simba

I have a 2007 Safari Simba motorhome by Monaco.
It has an issue with the frame causing stress cracks in
the windshield. I have been told that the only way to fix
this is to modify and strenghten the frame so it won't flex.
I was given the name of Allied Recreational Group near Eugene
Oragen , as the only people who can correct this issue.
I'm told this will cost $5000 plus $2000 for a new windshield.
I would any information or comments about this. Can this repair be done
any where else?

David Swindle
  • OMG my first mistake this year... make that Travel Supreme!
  • mccsix wrote:

    Beside X framing, Country Coach, now Entegra put a heavy U shaped collar off the frame across the top to stop windshield popping out etc.

    Country Coach now Entegra? Really? :h
  • I understand the retro fix is X bracing the frame(s) in the bays, espec mid to frt area. Can be done just about anywhere once you ID the specs. MAny repair facilities in/around Elkhart In do the fix and can probably give you the specs and an estimate.
    Beside X framing, Country Coach, now Entegra put a heavy U shaped collar off the frame across the top to stop windshield popping out etc.
  • Check underneath your coach and see if you have any broken welds, or steel braces, where the front cap support frame is attached to the chassis frame. Sometimes the steel can crack or a weld fail and cause the front cap to bounce around, which causes problems with your windshield.
    If any broken welds or steel is found, any welding shop can probably make the repairs for a lot less than $5000.
    I had a few steel braces on my Monaco coach and it took me only a couple of hours to weld in new steel gussets to beef up the frame.
    Some of todays highways can beat up a coach with all of the pot holes.