3 tons wrote:
So in abstract terms, this arguably might equate to four GC’s with a lower limit of say 50% SOC, but at only 65# (rather than 245# minus cabling…) and with a near insignificant amount of voltage sag…Quite honestly, I’d always gotten decent service from my former two GC’s (based on camping style and harvest) but often with a few ‘white knuckle’ episodes thrown into the mix (Ugg…)…I’d be most interested in hearing other’s testimonies :), and would encourage a ‘bench test’ as well !!
I can’t say how widespread this is, but hope this example might add to the LFP knowledge base..
3 tons
ya thats about right. if I was under 55% I couldnt use the microwave with four high quality 235AH GC batteries, as they got older that number climbed to about 90% (but they were very old, 14 years, and should have been replaced a couple years previous.)