3 tons wrote:
I’d be most interested in hearing other’s testimonies, and would encourage a ‘bench test’ as well !!
Per Victron, I am finding interesting based on what settings?I found suggested setting from Amsolar for the LifeBlue/Victron and Battleborn battery which differ from the settings I have been going off of from Will Prowse..This makes a pretty good difference in % on the Victron but seems more spot on,to me anyway.LOL..(Tail current 2% and Peukert at 1.00)
My last bench/capacity test a few days ago netted 104ah and it was falling fast,my Wagan inverter low voltage alarm went off so I lowered the power only to end the test not wanting the BMS to shut it down..So my capacity is 104.??ah..Close enough for me..
While I find my Victron shunt to be quite helpful,finding the correct settings for my battery difficult, due to the many internet DIY settings..The Amsolar seems to fit better..