$150 is a fine price, I would prefer polys but then again my 245s are mono's.
Recharge in one or two days? Just running the trailer even with lots of furnace use, we simply could not use the power from our 230w panel. Our grp 27 would be in float around 9 am and the panel would cover everything we did till night fall. Being in float all day left the battery well charged to handle another night of LED lights and running the furnace in freezing temps.
Now if you use a lot of power over night and take the battery down to 50%, you are going to need to replace the ah as well as what you use during the day. One panel would do it especially in a two day window. Two panels would have the power to push the bank around and get the voltage up faster when the sun is out. This is a thought if you need that kind of charging on shorter winter days when the sun is lower.
The panels you have listed on a cold day where I camp would push 20a each. My twin 245w panels each peak at 17a and playing with them has been a blast. We don't conserve, we look for ways to use the excess power. Making coffee, cooking, heating water all cut down on propane use. Add a third panel and we can run a small AC on the rare occasion we need it. We could stay out all summer without the generator but food and water limits us to two or three weeks.