JimK-NY wrote:
I am totally puzzled. What are you going to do with a large sign wave inverter powered by only a 200 AH battery bank?
I lived full time for a while and have spent at least 1000 nights in my RV. I have gotten by with a 175 watt, non-sign wave inverter that is only rarely used because I could not find a 12v alternative for charging my camera battery.
It would take a huge battery bank and solar system to try to use batteries for running an A/C unit. Even a microwave is more than I would want to power unless it is just for a short use in reheating coffee or the like.
Yes, the OP could use a little more battery to go with the larger inverter maybe they'll grow into it?
No it really doesn't take a huge battery bank atleast not with lfp and having a larger solar system does help. I run the microwave for long periods of time, use the A/C for a few hours and even when the batteries haven't got back to 100% SOC. Living with everyday conveniences without being plugged in and without rationing power.