j-d wrote:
I went to a 180* on our older Fords also. We had the carbed RV and to V6 EFI TBirds. I wouldn't go all the way to 160* since even that 84 460's system makes a few decisions based on temperature.
Even if I wasn't planning to change the T'stat, I'd want to be able to get those fasteners out. What if it actually DID jam shut on the road? I carried a spare, along with a gasket and a tube of gasket sealant. Tools, of course.
J&J is right. Good chance it still won't center the gauge in its temp range. Ours ran toward the hot side, and I replaced the radiator. New radiator didn't bring it down. The fan clutch usually idled at road speed but would clutch in with a roar on even slight uphills.
I carry a spare and a gasket also, but I have opted to stick with the 192. My logic is that the water gets to stay in the radiator a little longer to cool off before the thermostat opens. Although in the past many have severely disagreed with me, this is how I have figured it for the last 35 years, so far so good.
Once your system gets beyond the operating temp of the thermostat it is staying open all the time until it cools off. That would be the primary reason for not going down to a 160 IMHO
BTW, I installed a new fan clutch about seven years ago when I did the radiator the first time and neither one ever engages the fan? Maybe it's that 192 thermostat keeping everything cool :B:B:B