Forum Discussion

Rolo2's avatar
Jul 15, 2013

Air conditioning

Can you tell me how often an air conditioner unit should have to be charged? My old trailer never had to be charged. This 5th wheel, which is only 2 and a half years old is just blowing cool air. Not cold. Thank you for your help.
  • dougrainer wrote:
    If you have a leak, then the odds are ALL the coolant has leaked out and it would no cool at all. They only hold 1 lb of coolant and most leaks would allow that small amount to completely be gone. You need ALL parameters checked
    1. Evaporator cleaned
    2. Condensor cleaned
    3. air filter/s cleaned
    4. Once that is done you need a AMP draw test based on ambient to determine the state of charge and the condition of the compressor. This is the ONLY way to determine the state of charge on a RV AC unit. Doug


    Are the rooftop units now being charged with R410A and if so, does the Amp draw check apply to them or only R22 units. My marine units have been coming out with R410A for several years but I'm just starting to see them. That refrigerant is a whole different animal. You can't charge to a range of pressures like with R22 so if you are in a situation where you can't weigh the charge, they have to be charged by superheat.
  • j-d's avatar
    Explorer II
    Perform this Tuneup and see if it helps. Zero cost and when I've done it the results have been stunning. I did ours recently in connection with working on the blower motor (Coleman Mach series) and found the inside "fan" (a squirrel cage) was also very dirty. That work probably isn't essential, but the cleaning outlined by Chris Bryant in his blog thread is. Zero cost and not much labor. I ended up not replacing an older Mach that I thought was shot. Cleaned it and it went back to working like it should.
  • If you have a leak, then the odds are ALL the coolant has leaked out and it would no cool at all. They only hold 1 lb of coolant and most leaks would allow that small amount to completely be gone. You need ALL parameters checked
    1. Evaporator cleaned
    2. Condensor cleaned
    3. air filter/s cleaned
    4. Once that is done you need a AMP draw test based on ambient to determine the state of charge and the condition of the compressor. This is the ONLY way to determine the state of charge on a RV AC unit. Doug
  • Never seen an RV A/C unit that was chargeable. Most all I have seen are sealed and if they don't work right, you replace them. Good luck to you in finding an alternative.
  • Rolo2 wrote:
    Can you tell me how often an air conditioner unit should have to be charged?

    Never unless it has a leak allowing the Freon to escape.
  • They're not normally serviceable. A few HVAC people will install ports for servicing but most will just tell you to replace it if it's low.
  • I have my home and RV a/c units checked annually. Sometimes they are with in spec sometimes they need the charge trimmed for best performance. They should do a vacuum leak test as part of the service to check for leaks.