This is exactly the reason I fume at BUZZWORD TERMINOLOGY.
Cootsey Wootsey Salespeak.
It would have been FAR AND AWAY less deceptive to simply write CIRCUIT BREAKER.
This is the era of buzzwords. Do not say PROBLEM. Say ISSUE, the same as an issue of stamps or coins. Oh the US Post Office is probleming a whole ----load of new stamps.
Or to Seinfeld a conversation by starting off with "So"
Is the first sentence or paragraph missing somehow? It must be. Or the sentence has started off with dull-knife butchering of syntax.
I write cursive explanations because it' easier on my fingers and folks who have zero interest in what I am explaining should proceed to a different thread. If they need details or explanations I will be glad to explain.
I use my own personal BUZZWORD. It is referred to as TOP CHARGING. It describes a unique charging protocol. I could have labelled it something like "Formula X Safety Charge". But to charge a battery "Top The Top" is sort of self-explanatory. Top Charge.