3 tons wrote:
Will do, but upon further examination, I’m finding some neutrals in the main tied to the ground bar, while some other neutrals are not tied to the neutral bar…Looks like in someway the ATS relay coil was able to sense this defect, yet WOULD operate (via the inverter) IF I ran the jumper from the ATS’s gen neutral terminal to chassis ground…
Perpays a prior owners handywork. This should be corrected, grounds to ground, neutrals to isolated neutral bar. Then with shore GFCI for the rig power cord it should not trip with loads on each circuit. Nor should any rig GFCIs trip. BTW This is the best way to detect a ground fault as a GFCI trips on 5ma of current.
Possibly this causes the inverter to produce some abnormal power that makes the ATS electronics unhappy.