dieseldan723 wrote:
d-mac1 wrote:
Do you guys use Stabil or something in the gas? I'm going to guess they're gummed up from sitting with the el cheapo fuel they sell us nowadays. I put in Stabil most every time I fill the gas tank but if I'm going on a trip I'll give it a good dose of Seafoam to clean it out while we're using it.
Yep, Stabil and non-ethanol fuel. Also started the generator EVERY month and ran it for 15 minutes. STILL gummed up after 3 months. Since I installed the shut-off and run it dry I have not had any problems.
15 minutes is not enough exercise. You also need to put a load on the generator, not just start it. The manufacturer recommends around 1 hr per month of load.
I had luck starting mine every month, even with one year old ethanol gas using stabil for ethanol.