In all seriousness - how can one be, or honestly call themselves, "an RV tech" ... with so many system types and technologies involved?
The last time I checked ... it takes framing techs, plumber techs, HVAC techs, foundation techs, roofing techs, satellite techs, cable techs, landline techs, home theater techs, home security techs, gutter techs, siding techs, window techs, door techs, sheetrock techs, lightening rod techs, septic tank techs, and painting techs (did I miss any tech types - not counting engineering types) ... to properly construct a stick house.
How can you trust only one kind of "tech" to properly address all the issues in the coach portion of an RV?
What I've found is that the best way to personally take care of one's RV - or keep one's eye on an "RV tech" who is supposedly taking care of one's RV - is to first become an avid reader and absorber of what comes out in these forums. The ultra deep reservoir of collective knowledge and experience that resides here far surpases what any singular person on the Face of the Earth could ever have on tap - whether it be from that singular person's IQ, formal training, photographic memory, or on-the-job experience.