Old-Biscuit wrote:
It's called 'Multi-Tasking' something MANNY folks are quite adept at.
I'm guessing that how much "multi" can be handled by one singular mortal depends heavily upon how demanding each task might be.
For example, there's probably very few folks on the planet that individually over their lifetime can mult-task as: An astrophysicist, a molecular biologist, a brain surgeon, a 100+ MPH baseball pitcher, and a Ferrari master mechanic. The reason being that each of these "tasks" is so complex.
So ... if one claims to be a master of many tasks, I tend to question either their assessment of their capabilities or the depth and complexity of the various tasks that they claim to be master of.
From my experiences over the years, I have found very few technician level experts working on issues for me that come up absolutely clean whenever I carefully ask questions about what they are about to do. It has nothing to do with whether or not "I personally know anything about their trade". It has everything to do with me listening attentively to their explanations and my detecting if something doesn't smell right. Very often we share together on what they are about to do and jointly come up with some tweek(s).
I stand by my position that collective knowledge and skill triumph over individual knowledge and skill every time. These forums prove it for me.
P.S. However, often RV construction or repair has little to do with knowledge or skill - collective or otherwise - but everything to do with the motivation for quality of workmanship of the one or ones doing the constructing or repairing.