wopachop wrote:
Let say i dont spill a drop. Please feel free to make fun of this question. Does the lead come out as a gas? How does it work in terms of leaded gasoline exiting the exhaust?
Not making fun of you.
Even IF you do not "spill a drop" while leaded fuel is in liquid fuel, it IT DOES come out the exhaust, it does not really burn up or decompose but it must come out of the exhaust.
Before unleaded fuels came about in the mid 70's (due to the EPA antismog regs which required cat converters on large gas powered engines) my Dad taught me how to tune a carb properly by watching the exhaust color.
When you have achieved the proper (not over rich and not over lean) fuel/air mix you would get a very light grey to off white powder/residue inside the exhaust pipe shooting for light grey.
Too rich and you ended up with black color, too lean sort of off white (not as grey).
Granted, you could do the sniff test for too rich but it is difficult to tell the difference of just right and too lean.
In essence, the lead in the fuel does not fully burn and will come out of the tail pipe, that may be a powdery residue or it could be tiny particulates which are too small to see but they are there none the less (those particulates if run through a cat converter are small enough to plug off the cat which is why it is bad idea to run leaded fuels of any level in a engine with a cat system).
When the lead was removed for cat converters, it HAD to be replaced, lead served as a anti knock/octane booster and assisted with adding oxygen to the burn, the oxygenate/Octane booster action had to be replaced with something, but what?
Well, MTBE ended up being even worse of a polluter..
READ HERE"Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) is a flammable liquid that has been used as an additive for unleaded gasoline since the 1980s. MTBE increases octane and oxygen levels in gasoline and reduces pollution emissions. Because of concerns for groundwater contamination and water quality, MTBE is now banned or limited in several states. MTBE is also used in small amounts as a laboratory solvent and for some medical applications."Once the blunder of MTBE being even worse of a pollution issue they had to find a fix, but what?
Then once the dire "plight" of the save the earth folks made things political, ETHANOL became the "hero" to them, pushing it on everyone saying it is good for the earth and has a side benefit for corn farmers who got subsidies from growing even more corn..
However, in the over zealousness of the save the earth folks they forgot that corn crops cause considerable amount of damage to the land, it removes considerable amount of nutrients from the land and renders the land UNfertile to grow ANYTHING . This requires farmers to heavily dose the land with fertilizers..
Guess what the base material for fertilizers is?
Yep, we dump tons of CARBON BASED fertilizer which the base comes from good old dead dinos that every tree hugger whines about killing off the land from..
But, hey, I guess Ethanol is saving the earth :R