At least one retailer of the Stick-N-Bond tapes claims that it is made by Eternabond. I have contacted Eternabond and their parent company to see if that is true.
As to SpeakEasy's post: The difference in length when flat versus rolled is a function of increased diameter. The Eternabond tape is 0.035 inches thick, therefore using pi*diameter/2 the difference is 0.055 inches total, less than 1/16 inch. Since this difference is "spread out" over the width of 4 inch tape, the difference becomes 0.014 per inch, or about 1/64 of an inch per inch of tape. This is why those who have used the Eternabond tape have not had any problems.
Here is Eternabond's reply.
"We appreciate your interest in Eternabond.
Sticknbond is the same product as Eternabond’s RoofSeal white, we private label this product for Leisure Time. Same material just different wrapping.
Tom Brenner