The major vendor I contracted to would never question a customer over a dry cell. One sniff confirms the presence of H2S hydrogen sulfide which is red-handed proof the battery is bad. Manufacturer's defect. This defect occurs most commonly within the first 60 days. GNB batteries proved to be catastrophic for this defect along with ALCO batteries. Both were dropped like a hot rock.
With regard to Trojan and Rolls, these people have personnel that answer questions about battery failure. Interstate relies upon the knowledge of their distributors which in turn is passed on to their vendors (businesses who retail the product).
A battery that is ill-maintenanced and exposes the plates will have its lifespan reduced. Uncontrolled overcharging can gas all of the water but little of the H2SO4. This destroys the battery -- all of the cells. The sulfur smell comes when concentrated sulfuric acid attacks the bottom of the plates. Sulfuric acid concentrate can reach gravities above 4.0
Let's say the battery I just purchased takes a dump under warranty down here. I need another battery just to get to Costco. So I buy one. When I get to Costco I get MONEY not excuses. I can go to the tire dept and snag another battery or go on a shopping spree or take the money and run. Try that with a battery that you bought somewhere else.
My toad provides utter paradise for a battery
Mild temperatures
Gear reduction starter motor
Never cycled. EVER! No radio no lights left on.
Less than eight milliamps parasitic draw.
A voltage finish rate in the mid thirteens. The ECU gives voltage readings like a roller coaster but in the end the battery will go a few years without needing water. Until I encountered a Johnson Controls broken through-wall-connector and a Gonorrhea imitation battery, the batteries lasted an average of 8+ years.
That means this battery should be a Lifetime Battery at my age.