BFL13 wrote:
Not a clue about Li batt charging profiles. I ASSume they are like other batts where once their Vabs is reached and held there by the charger, that amps will have to taper as SOC rises.
Actually, everything I've read about them says hammer them with around 14.2 to 14.5 volts at whatever charging rate you can manage, until the BMS says they're full. They'll take the full charging current until the BMS burps, and says "I'm full, what's for dessert?". I think the 14.6V display posted earlier is how I would see my bank being full, or very close. They can also be discharged very low, without recharging them right away, or you can recharge them, your choice. They're probably the most flexible type of storage medium you can use these days.
BFL13 wrote:
Perhaps one of our members here with Li batts and nothing better to do, can make us an ugly graph like this, only using Li batts. (Or not so ugly if he is a computer whiz)

There's a chart in this link about half way down, if you really want one, and some explanatory text around it, as well. Battle Borns are used as the example brand, because that's what they sell. They always seem to get good reviews on the 'net. I've got Relions, also fairly well accepted as not bad.
Happy Lithiums