Great info on Li charging in the above two posts. That one with the graph shows they do act the same way as other batts for amps tapering when Vabs is reached.
The thing is, Vabs is reached at a much higher SOC for the charging rate. That graph has a 50% charging rate and Vabs reached at about 92% SOC when amps taper. BIG diff from Wets and AGMs as seen in my ugly graph. (Also Wets can't take 50% and only Lifeline AGMs can, where most AGMs say limit is 30%.)
Good point about not needing to get to 100% and better not to with Li.
For this thread, note that 2000w inverter on "two batteries" is not the same with two Li batts as with two Wets or AGMs. Must specify which kind the two are for what is possible.