Itinerant1 wrote:
BFL13 wrote:
How do Li batts work for charging efficiency anyway? Wets go crazy for heat loss going past 80% SOC on up. AGMs heat up too.
LFP are near 100% efficient, take a 100ah out your putting a 100ah back. No long drawn out charging.
As I mentioned in earlier post, I could almost put a stop watch on the amount of time needed to charge just by looking at the monitor and knowing my SOC.
So with a Trimetric monitor and Li batts you would have to change the default Charging Efficiency setting so it would allow nearly all the amps from the charger to count as going to battery.
I haven't read the newer Bogart instructions since Li came out. They probably mention that.
On going over 100%, I do not have my Trimetric set up to show percentage SOC. I just have it doing straight voltage, amps, and AH. I have disabled auto-reset of AH, as required with solar.
So I can see in late afternoon on a good solar day that the AH count has gone "positive" past zero, and is going up. I have noted with Wets that SG only gets back to "baseline" indicating the batts are full when AH have risen to about +15 in my case.
If you were in a stable scenario and could see that happening every day, there is a Trimetric adjustment for Charging Efficiency so you are closer to zero on the AH count when the SG gets to baseline. You have to do a bit of trial and error till it is about right. (RVing is not generally a stable scenario for solar, so can't really do that)
EDIT--that's when I reset the AH count to zero too. As soon as the solar charging is over for the day, and the SG says the batts are at true full, now you change the AH count from +15 to zero. If you never got to full that day due to clouds or high draws, you do not reset the counter. Just let it go up and down until the next chance when the batts do get to true full.
So you can call that "micro-managing", but if you don't then your monitor will be telling you lies. Your choice. As long as you don't believe anything it says. Probably better to not have a monitor in that case.