Very interesting.
So temperature went up 10 degrees going from 86% SOC to 99%, which is like what happens with AGMs and Wets. That heat must be counted as a "loss" in charging efficiency somehow.
I am deeply suspicious of those percentage SOC figures where the AH count needs to be set to zero at 100% true full, and the Lis are not brought to true full. They even say they do better not being brought to 100%. How can you tell if the AH counter is correct wrt to SOC?
Where you get ahead with the Li is how you don't need to do 50-80s to stay in the good zone for fast generator recharging. The batts keep accepting the high amps to a high SOC, which is very different from Wets and AGMs.
I am not familiar with the way the Magnum does AH counting on a recharge. Is there any default factor for charging efficiency as there is with Trimetric's 94% (which can be set to some other percentage) ?
Also curious that the recharge was at 13.x and low 14, where supposedly you need the charger to be able to do 14.6 Vabs for Li batts. You don't get to Vabs until a very high SOC though, and you don't want to get to 100, so who cares? I am missing something there I think.
EDIT--this blurb seems to be wrong in saying if you don't use the right voltage and get them full, they will be under-charged and have a shorter life. That is in conflict with saying they do better not being full. He does say that 14.6 might be different for different Li batts, so that is why he also promotes the adjustable voltage chargers for Li duty. thing might be the voltage drop still significant at 100 amps on the wires. The charger voltage will show as higher than at the batteries, so it matters where you take the reading maybe. With Wets and AGMs, the amps have tapered a lot by those high SOCs, so voltage drop is not much by then.
Li batts are just weird! :)